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Jenny Massingham Level 2_edited.jpg

Jenny Massingham

Left handed uke guru
Uke-A-Holics Anonymous Leader
Slightly Plucked Up Crew
Vocal Queen

Jenny is a stunning vocalist, multi-instrumentalist and fully accredited Level 3 ukulele teacher with the James Hill Ukulele Initiative (JHUI) Teacher Certification Program. She began teaching our foundation level programs in 2018 and brings great warmth to her sessions.

Jenny is also a member of The Australian Ukulele Orchestra and performs regularly at ukulele festivals and events.

Jenny joined The Lightly Strung Orchestra in 2014. She was a key mentor for newer members for many years, and became a co-leader of the group in 2020. Jenny's enthusiasm and passionate quest for the LSO to continue during Covid is one of the main reasons the group made it out the other side relatively intact and we are all so grateful for that! 

In addition to her ukulele playing, Jenny is well known for her cracking vocals and performances. Her vocal training began when she was just 5 years old when she began singing and performing with the Sydney Juniors Talent Group! She is currently a member of the wonderful community of Hummingsong Choirs and performing with great joy and abandon!

Jenny is classically trained on piano and violin and developed a passion for sharing music with children. She ran Kindermusik classes and taught piano privately for 15 years.

Jenny's teaching style is inclusive and very encouraging and her calm approach is often the yin to Janine's yang but when they combine forces and teach together it's so much fun! 

Making Music 4 Life ukulele students
Uke Course 81
Making Music 4 Life ukulele students
Making Music 4 Life
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